The Attitudes of M. A. Candidates of TEFL Toward Flipped-Teaching: A Mixed-Method Study

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 فروردین 1402


Flipped teaching involves relocating lecture material from in-person class time to before class. Over the past few years, emphasis has been placed on the potential benefits of flipped learning, which involves students participating actively in the learning process. However, little research has been done to determine how M. A. students of TEFL feel about flipped learning. Examining Iranian students' perceptions of flipped learning was the goal of the current study. In order to achieve this, ۳۰ M. A. candidates of TEFL from the Islamic Azad University in Gonbad Kavoos, Iran, were randomly chosen from a pool of applicants, with the age range of the participants being ۲۴ to ۵۲. An attitude questionnaire's frequencies and percentages were looked at. Frequency analyses revealed that the TEFL students who participated in the study had a positive attitude toward flipped learning and agreed that it was useful to them in many ways. Also, a semi-structured interview with half of the participants was conducted to get their feelings toward flipped teaching even more precise. The interview analysis revealed that, in general, the participants had a favorable attitude toward the experiment and revealed that flipped teaching can lead to problem-solving outside the class, collaboration with the instructor and classmates, a sense of being valued, and predictability of the lessons which can result in the reduction of their stress. Finally, the EFL students, university instructors, teacher trainers, and syllabus designers may be impacted by the findings.


Nima Yamrali

Student in TEFL, Islamic Azad University, Gonbad Kavoos branch

Hamed Zarabi

Student in TEFL, Islamic Azad University, Gonbad Kavoos branch