An evaluation of features in tobacco-free city from the perspective of thegeneral public in bandar khamir

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402


Background: A smoke-free city or village is an approach to reduce tobacco consumption. Thestatus of a smoke-free city or village with features such as: Access to smoking cessation services,removal of tobacco supply in public places, ban on sale of tobacco to people under ۱۸ years of age,ban on cigarette thread sales, ban on advertising of tobacco products, ban on smoking in publicplaces was reviewed. In this research, the general opinion of the people in the mentioned cases wasinvestigated in the city of Khamir as the city involved in the tobacco-free approach in Hormozganprovince.Methods: A standard non-smoking evaluation questionnaire was used. The questionnaire wascompleted online by the public of Khamir city. In this study, ۴۸۹ people participated in theresearch in the form of snowball sampling.Results: The present study showed that all consumers in this research had access to counselingservices, treatment and treatment recommendations in ways such as visiting urban and rural healthservice centers, receiving leave application, private doctor"s office and the best place for people toget training and treatment recommendations Tobacco has been to comprehensive urban and ruralhealth centers.۶۲% of the people who paid attention to tobacco advertisements such as salesshelves and admitted that they did not see tobacco advertisements. ۷۰% of people had receivedinformation messages about the harms of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, messagesabout the benefits of quitting. ۶۸% of people were educated about the permanent ban on smokingin public places. ۶۰% of people were educated about the harms of smoking during the last threemonths. ۷۴% of the people who paid attention to the advertisement of smoking in public placesstated that they did not see any advertisement for smoking in public places. ۷۳% of the people whowere careful about the sale of tobacco to people under ۱۸ years of age stated that they did not seethe sale of tobacco to people under ۱۸ years of age. ۷۱% of the people who paid attention to thesale of cigarette thread said that they did not see the sale of cigarette thread. ۷۳% of people saidthat they did not see the sale of tobacco products from sales stalls.Conclusion: This research showed from the general public"s point of view that Khamir city has agood status (over ۶۰% of features) in terms of characteristics considered by the country as asmoke-free city. the implementation of tobacco-free interventions has been effective so far, and thestrengthening of the interventions can lead to the acquisition of ۱۰۰% characteristics of a tobaccofreecity.


Parisa Sharafi

Bandar Khamir Health and Treatment Center. Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, BandarAbbas, Iran.

Hossein Aidy

Vice President of Health, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

Mashallah Moridi

Vice President of Health, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

Ali Asadian

Vice President of Health, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

Ahmad Reza Sheikhi

Bandar Khamir Health and Treatment Center. Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, BandarAbbas, Iran.

Fatemeh Kazeminezhad

Vice President of Health, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran.