The effect of drug use on periodontal diseases and oral cancer and the role ofdentists in prevention and treatment of drug using

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402


Background: Abusing drugs have harmful effects on the health of the body, especially the healthof the mouth and teeth. These effects appear in different forms such as plaque and discoloration ofteeth, wear of teeth and more advanced problems such as periodontal problems and mouth cancerand even death.Method : In this study, We examined different types of periodontal diseases and oral cancers andreviewed the studies conducted regarding the relationship between smoking and using drugs andperiodontal diseases and oral cancer and the awareness and role of dentists in this field. Also westudy about the effects of tobacco on the oral cavity and periodontal tissue and Also, theprevalence of different types of diseases in healthy people and drug users were compared usingSPSS. We examined the level of awareness of dentists about oral cancers.Results : The results showed how does tobacco effects periodontal tissue, blood flow and Alveolarbone and how does it cause periodontal disease and oral cancers. There was a significantdifference in the prevalence of different types of periodontal diseases and oral cancer betweenhealthy people and drug users (P <۰.۰۵).Conclusion: The review of studies showed that using drugs has many adverse effects on the oralcavity and can make a person prone to various types of oral and dental diseases such as cancers.Despite this clear effect, there are few data regarding epidemiology, interaction of other riskfactors, how to reduce the effect of abuse, etc. Dentists can play a very effective role in reducing,controlling and treating these effects. The cooperation of dentists, psychologists and substanse usedisorder(SUD) docters in the field of addiction to inform each other and prevent the recurrence ofthe disease can be a very effective step in improving the health of society. Also, the place of longtermand coherent programs to control and treat and inform the people of the society is stronglyfelt in the country's health program.


Fatemeh Hatami

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Hadaf Institute, Sari, Iran.

Ali Habibi Kholerdi

General Practitioner, Omid Drug Abuse Clinic, Sari, Iran.

Reza Heydarian Ghadikolai

Master of Psychology – Azad University of Sari, Sari, Iran

Mersad MahmoudiMahforozi

General Practitioner, Mazandaran University of Medical Science, Sari, Iran.