Investigating the Results of Amniocentesis in the Operating Room on Children's Acute Second Degree Burn Wounds in Patients Referred to Shahid Motahari Hospital in Tehran in ۲۰۲۱-۲۰۲۲

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 تیر 1402


amnion implantation in the operating room on children's acute second degree burn wounds in patients referred to Shahid Motahari Hospital in Tehran in ۲۰۲۲-۲۰۲۳. Study method: In this cross-sectional study, which retrospectively examines the results of amniocentesis in children referred to Shahid Motahari Hospital in Tehran in ۲۰۲۲-۲۰۲۳, patient records are examined to collect information. Findings: The information of ۲۰۳ children under ۱۶ years of age who underwent amniocentesis in Shahid Motahari hospital with ۲nd degree burns between ۲۰۲۲ and the end of December ۱۴۰۱ were analyzed. Their average age was ۴.۸۶±۳.۹۳۷. ۵۹.۶% of the subjects were boys and ۴۰.۴% were girls. The average duration of hospitalization was ۶.۶۲±۴.۴۸۳ days. ۹۶.۱% of the burns happened at home, ۱.۹% in the park and ۱.۵% in the street. The frequency of burn percentage of patients is ۳۷.۴% in the range of ۱۰-۱۹%, ۲۹.۱% in the range of ۲۰-۲۹%, ۲۰.۷% in the range of ۰-۹%, ۱۱.۳% in the range of ۳۰-۳۹%, ۱% in the range of ۴۰-۴۹%. and ۰.۵% was in the range of ۵۰-۵۹%. ۶۴.۵% of children with boiling water, ۱۲.۸% with food, ۷.۹% with gasoline, ۴.۴% with flames, ۳% with alcohol, ۲.۵% with gas canisters, ۲% with city gas, ۲% with flammable materials, ۰.۵% with coal. And ۰.۵% were burned by a hot object. ۷۵.۴% of patients had trunk burns, ۶۸.۵% had arm and forearm burns, ۵۰.۷% had head and neck burns, ۴۸.۸% had thigh and leg burns, ۳۵% had hand burns, ۱۲.۸% had leg burns, and ۲% had whole body burns. ۲۰.۷% of patients needed grafting during hospitalization. Out of ۱۳۱ people who suffered scald burns, ۲۷ people needed grafting. Out of ۲۶ people who suffered food burns, ۳ people needed grafting. Out of ۱۶ people who were burned with gasoline, ۶ people needed grafting.


Hamidreza Alizadeh Otaghvar

Associated Professor of Plastic Surgery of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Trauma and Injury Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Siavash Mahdigholizad

School of Medicine, Iran university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran

Mohammadhossein Khanmohammadi kalkhoran

School of Medicine, Iran university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran

Tara Motamedi

Resident of General Surgery, Booshehr University of Medical Sciences, Booshehr, Iran

Ali Akbar Jafarian

Associate professor of Anesthesiology and pain, Burn Research center, Iran university of medical science, Tehran, Iran

Reza Salehi

Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology, school of medicine, Iran university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran

Mohammad Javad Motamedi

Mater Hospital Brisbane, General Surgery Principal Hospital Officer, Australia