Optimizing CO۲/CH۴ Separation Performance of Modified Thin Film Composite Pebax MH ۱۶۵۷ Membrane Using a Statistical Experimental Design Technique
Publish place: Journal of Gaz Technology، Vol: 6، Issue: 1
Publish Year: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 121
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 آبان 1402
In this research, statistically based experimental design (central composite design, CCD) was applied to analyze and optimize the effect of PEG-ran-PPG (۱۰–۵۰ wt%) as a blending polymer and CuBTC (۰–۲۰ wt%) which is a metal organic framework (MOF) as a nano filler on the CO۲ permeance and CO۲/CH۴ ideal selectivity of Pebax MH ۱۶۵۷/polysulfone thin film composite membrane. In fact, the beneficial properties of polymer blending and mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) have been combined. Based on the regression coefficients of the obtained models, the CO۲ permeance was notably influenced by PEG-ran-PPG mass content, while the mass content of CuBTC has the most significant effect on the CO۲/CH۴ ideal selectivity. Experimental and statistical results showed that under the optimum conditions (PEG-ran-PPG: ۳۲.۷۶ wt% and CuBTC: ۲۰ wt%), nearly ۶۲۰% increase in the CO۲ permeance and ۴۳% enhancement in the CO۲/CH۴ ideal selectivity was observed compared to the neat Pebax membranes.
Tayebeh Khosravi
Department of Safety Engineering, University of Science and Culture, P.O. Box ۱۳۱۴۵-۸۷۱, Tehran, Iran
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