Comprehensive and fundamental transformation ofthe energy system to achieve ۱۰۰% renewableenergy in Germany by ۲۰۵۰.

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 143

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 دی 1402


Germany has implemented ambitious policies to increase the proportion ofrenewable energy and eliminate nuclear power. However, there are significantscientific knowledge gaps in understanding how this transition should take place,particularly when considering all energy sectors. This study seeks to improve ourunderstanding of how to transition Germany's energy system to ۱۰۰% renewableenergy by ۲۰۵۰. By taking into account the potential of renewable resources, energysystem costs, and primary energy supply, the study proposes a path for transitioningthe German energy system across heating, industrial, transport, and electricitysectors. The analysis demonstrates that achieving this transition is technically andeconomically feasible, with certain measures being essential for cost-effectiveimplementation. The primary challenge in this transition concerns resourcepotentials, notably the limitations and pressures on biomass resources. Finally, thestudy examines the most impactful measures for accomplishing the transition torenewable energy.


Arash Samadi

Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Energy Conversion from IslamicAzad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Mostafa Rahmani Raouf

Masters degree in business administration specializing in marketing from TehranUniversity, Tehran, Iran