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Methods for Expressing the Category of Approximation in Russian in Comparison with Its Equivalents in Persian

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Language: English
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Methods for Expressing the Category of Approximation in Russian in Comparison with Its Equivalents in Persian abstract

The main topic of this article is devoted to the study of the ways of expressing the category of approximate relations in Russian in comparison with its equivalents in Persian. The article studies the linguistic means of expressing approximate (approximate) values that are common in both languages in various communicative spheres of communication. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time it compares the means that in their semantics contain the meanings of the category of approximation in the Russian language in comparison with its equivalents in the Persian language. The research object of this article was the Russian and Persian language means expressing the semantics of approximate relations in various communicative spheres. The results of this study can be useful not only for students who study Russian as a foreign language in an Iranian audience, but also for Russian-speaking students who study Persian as a foreign language. In the course of the work, descriptive and comparative-comparative methods are used.The main topic of this article is devoted to the study of the ways of expressing the category of approximate relations in Russian in comparison with its equivalents in Persian. The article studies the linguistic means of expressing approximate (approximate) values that are common in both languages in various communicative spheres of communication. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time it compares the means that in their semantics contain the meanings of the category of approximation in the Russian language in comparison with its equivalents in the Persian language. The research object of this article was the Russian and Persian language means expressing the semantics of approximate relations in various communicative spheres. The results of this study can be useful not only for students who study Russian as a foreign language in an Iranian audience, but also for Russian-speaking students who study Persian as a foreign language. In the course of the work, descriptive and comparative-comparative methods are used.

Methods for Expressing the Category of Approximation in Russian in Comparison with Its Equivalents in Persian Keywords:

Methods for Expressing the Category of Approximation in Russian in Comparison with Its Equivalents in Persian authors

Hasanzadeh Rezvan

Assistant Professor at the Department of Russian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran.

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