Analysis of the protein-protein binding channel of the Klf۴ gene during spermatogenesis

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 اردیبهشت 1403


Human spermatogenesis in different stages and how spermatozoid transfer and absorption and metabolic changesduring the male reproductive tract are described, as well as the types of normal and abnormal cells that may beseen in sperm with a routine test and their value in the clinic is also discussed. Spermatogenesis is a complexcellular process during which spermatogenic stem cells differentiate into mature sperm. This process is under thecontrol of various factors and signaling pathways, one of which is the Klf۴ protein, which plays a role in somecell functions and their differentiation. This study examines the protein-protein communication network of genesinvolved in spermatogenesis as well as genes directly related to Klf۴, using databases such as NCBI andCytoscape software. Then, by examining the expression level of Klf۴ gene mRNA in spermatogenic, embryonicand pseudoembryonic stem cells, the expression level of this gene is examined. In the observations, the positiveexpression of Klf۴ was observed in embryonic, pseudo-embryonic and spermatogenic stem cells, and thecommunication network of genes regulating its expression was also identified. The results of this study show thatKlf۴ can be one of the factors of interest for treating infertility and personalizing the treatment.


Pariya Hassanifar

Faculty of Basic Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran