In the past 25 years, rising of the
Caspian Sea level, part of a natural treat to the sea, has inundated and destroyed many buildings and arable lands and threatened many inhabitations in coastal areas. The main reason for these damages is that the law-setback has lost its efficiency and human activities have proceeded seaward. The goal of this study is to introduce a proper setback line for the southern coast of
Caspian Sea on the basis of critical water elevation and the results of coastal vulnerability assessment to sea level rise. This setback contains vertical and horizontal buffers. The Coastal vulnerability index (CVI) method is used for coastal vulnerability assessment and is also used in the Geographic Information System. Five variables in two sub-indices were used in this method. The final map obtained from coastal vulnerability assessment divided the coastal zone into low, moderate, high and very high risk categories based on quartile ranges and visual inspection of data. A mean distance of very high risk category of vulnerability map from a second vertical buffer in each rural district was then proposed as a width of horizontal buffer in the same rural district. REFERENCES Arulraj, M., Pandian, P., Ramachandran, S. (2006). Vulnerability mapping and resettlement for Baratang Island, Andaman, India. Map India (see also ceeding). City of Boulder Planning and Development Services (2007). Wetlands and Stream Buffers: A Review of the Science and Regulatory Approaches to Protection. Eghtedari, omid (1997). Coastal zone area preluding of differences. Publiahed by: UNESCO & Iran Wild life & Natural Museum Ferreira, O., Gracia, T., Rui, A., Matias., J, Taborda, J., Dias, A. (2006). An Integrated Method for Determination of Set-back lines for Coastal erosion hazards on Sandy shores. Continental shelf research 26(2006) 1030-1044 (see also Gornitz, V. (1990). Vulnerability of the east coast, USA to future Sea level rise. Journal of Coastal research 1, Special Issue 9. Pages: 201-237. Gornitz, V. M., Daniels, R. C., White, T. W., Birdwell, K. R. (1994). The Development of a Coastal Risk Assessment Database: Vulnerability to Sea-level rise in the U.S. Southest. Journal of Coastal research, Special Issue 12. Pages: 327-338. Haines, P. E. (2005). Determining appropriate Setbacks for future Development around ICOLLS 14th NSW Coastal conference, Narooma. 12P. IMO. (2003). Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for Andaman Islands. Report submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forestry. New Delhi. 325 p. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. (1990). Strategies for Adaptation to Sea level rise. Rijkswaterstaat. Khozarev, A. N., Yablonskaya, E. A., (1994). The
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