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Conceptual Analysis of “Architectural Space’s Sacredness” from the Quran and Islamic Wisdom Viewpoint (Case Study: Contemporary Religious Philosophers)

Publish Year: 1402
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
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Index date: 2 July 2024

Conceptual Analysis of “Architectural Space’s Sacredness” from the Quran and Islamic Wisdom Viewpoint (Case Study: Contemporary Religious Philosophers) abstract

“Sacredness/sanctity” means purity and “sacred” means a clean place which is associated with purity. There is no religion that is free from such central concepts and no religion is worthy of being called so without incorporating such concepts and meanings. Hence, the use of the terms sacred or sacredness is an important and valuable action. The main focus of this study is to explore the concept of sacredness in Quran and Islamic wisdom based on the relevant concepts and theories and through this analysis it seeks to explain the sacredness for the realization of sacred place. With such a foundation, the theoretical and practical meaning of sacred architecture can be understood and established.This study is theoretical research that employs a descriptive method. The data are collected through library references or by referring to books and articles.The results show that the use of space, human functions, a specific event, or the divine ontological will can destroy or create sacredness of place. Typically, physical form determines the way a space may be used. But this does not mean that physical form is the only determining factor. Intentions, motivations, and actions taken by people are also effective in this regard. The authors believe that sacredness of a place can be considered as an innate and adaptive concept. But depending on the type of formation, it receives varying degrees of sacredness. This means that sacredness may be created the divine ontological will or the human legislative will.

Conceptual Analysis of “Architectural Space’s Sacredness” from the Quran and Islamic Wisdom Viewpoint (Case Study: Contemporary Religious Philosophers) Keywords:

Quran , Islamic Wisdom , Sacrament , Innate and Adaptive Sacrednes , Sacred Space and Architecture

Conceptual Analysis of “Architectural Space’s Sacredness” from the Quran and Islamic Wisdom Viewpoint (Case Study: Contemporary Religious Philosophers) authors

Tahereh Nasr

Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran