Comparing Effectiveness of Reality therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on the Components of Basic Psychological Needs

Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 شهریور 1403


Background: If couples do not learn communication and conflict resolution skills, disagreements will escalate from verbal to behavioral. Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy based on choice theory and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in addressing the psychological needs of couples seeking counseling services. Materials and Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study employing a pretest-posttest design with a control group. It was conducted on couples seeking counseling in Tehran, Iran, during ۲۰۲۲-۲۰۲۳. Overall, ۶۰ participants were selected through purposeful sampling and were divided into three groups: two experimental groups and one control group (۲۰ participants each). The first experimental group received group reality therapy for ۱۰ sessions, each lasting ۶۰ min, while the second experimental group received CBT for eight sessions, each lasting ۹۰ min. The control group, on the other hand, did not undergo any interventions. The data were collected using the Basic Psychological Need Scale and analyzed using SPSS software (version ۲۳) through multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).   Results: The results showed a significant difference between the control group and the CBT group in identifying basic needs, namely love and belongingness, power, freedom, survival, and fun, with differences of ۵.۰۷, ۵.۴۶, ۳.۴۹, ۵.۳۱, and ۴.۷۴, respectively. The differences were statistically significant at the ۰.۰۱ level. Conclusion: The findings suggest that although both methods were successful, reality therapy based on choice theory was more influential because of its unique strategy for resolving deep-seated conflicts experienced by individuals.


Zahra Ebadi

۱. Department of General psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

Nastarn Ramezani

۲. Department of Psychology, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Farideh sadat Zekri

۳. Department of General psychology, South Tehran Branch, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

Behnaz Bozari

۴. Department of Guidance and Counseling, School of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.

Lida Nemati Chalavi

۵. Department of Guidance and Counseling, School of Educational Sciences and Counseling, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.