Boosting English Conversational Proficiency Employing ReallifeSituations Integrating AI Technology
Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 45
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 مهر 1403
Acquiring advanced English conversational abilities is crucial for language development as it enablesindividuals to engage effectively in many social and professional settings. This article explores the capacityof artificial intelligence (AI) technology to improve English conversation skills by simulating real-lifescenarios.Traditional methods of language acquisition often do not provide learners with authentic opportunities toengage in conversations that accurately mirror real-life interactions. AI technology provides a practicalanswer by simulating actual situations and providing learners with interactive platforms for practice.The paper begins by analyzing the limitations of conventional language learning methods and highlightsthe benefits of incorporating AI technology. The essay emphasizes the importance of taking into account thecontext and being conscious of the situation when acquiring conversational skills. Additionally, it examinesthe potential of AI in helping to bridge this gap.Furthermore, the essay illustrates how chatbots and virtual assistants, utilizing artificial intelligence,imitate authentic conversations, allowing learners to participate in practice inside a safe and supportiveenvironment.To summarize, AI technology offers immense promise for improving English communication skills. AIdrivenplatforms can improve learners' fluency, confidence, and general communication skills by offeringimmersive and customized experiences rooted in real-life situations.
Seyed Javad Roudehchi Tabrizi
Educational Management, Post-Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara,Turkey