Publish Year: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: روسی
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 آبان 1403


This paper deals with the phenomenon of Russian Infinitive Poetry, which is characterized by verses that utilize infinitive sentences as their textual base. It reveals the lexical-syntax and linguistic stylistic peculiarities of this poetic form. A comprehensive lexical-syntax and linguistic stylistic analysis of Russian verse from different periods has been conducted. Although infinitive poetry has been studied, a complex analysis of this kind has not been previously undertaken. The correlation between infinitive and nominative sentences, as well as the lexical-syntax and functional peculiarities of infinitive sentences (including those with independent infinitives), is examined in the context of poetic discourse compared to prose. This analysis highlights syntax breaks and the disjunction of poetic context. Additionally, it explores action and state subject links, evidence categories, modality, and appreciation within these sentences, along with the syntactic foundation for the sound of infinitive poetry. The paper also presents semantic classes of verbal predicates in infinitive sentences. It addresses the versatile interpretation of the category of infinitive sentences and their pragmatic features, appealing to a broad audience of Russian language researchers. The material aims to enhance international students' understanding of infinitive sentences and raise awareness of the characteristics of Russian poetry, contributing to their linguistic and cultural competence. The research findings can be integrated into Russian literature courses.This paper deals with the phenomenon of Russian Infinitive Poetry, which is characterized by verses that utilize infinitive sentences as their textual base. It reveals the lexical-syntax and linguistic stylistic peculiarities of this poetic form. A comprehensive lexical-syntax and linguistic stylistic analysis of Russian verse from different periods has been conducted. Although infinitive poetry has been studied, a complex analysis of this kind has not been previously undertaken. The correlation between infinitive and nominative sentences, as well as the lexical-syntax and functional peculiarities of infinitive sentences (including those with independent infinitives), is examined in the context of poetic discourse compared to prose. This analysis highlights syntax breaks and the disjunction of poetic context. Additionally, it explores action and state subject links, evidence categories, modality, and appreciation within these sentences, along with the syntactic foundation for the sound of infinitive poetry. The paper also presents semantic classes of verbal predicates in infinitive sentences. It addresses the versatile interpretation of the category of infinitive sentences and their pragmatic features, appealing to a broad audience of Russian language researchers. The material aims to enhance international students' understanding of infinitive sentences and raise awareness of the characteristics of Russian poetry, contributing to their linguistic and cultural competence. The research findings can be integrated into Russian literature courses.



Olga Grekova

Associated Professor of Russian for Foreigners Department Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.