Exploring the Well-being and Work Performance of Pre-Hospital Emergency Personnel in Tehran abstract
Introduction: Pre-Hospital Emergency technicians must have a good socio-economic and relative health status so that people can benefit from better services efficiently. The performance and physiological status of emergency service providers, such as emergency clinical technicians, is of special importance due to their vital and sensitive roles. The present study was designed to investigate the health status, socio-economic and educational conditions of pre-hospital emergency technicians in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: This study is a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The research population consisted of all volunteer pre-hospital emergency technicians in Tehran.Six components of health status including internal and external stress factors, workload, stress outcomes, and performance, were evaluated in emergency technicians. Data collection was done electronically, and data analysis was performed using Excel and SPSS-22 software.
Results: 585 EMS technician in Tehran participated in this study, who were working in 215 emergency bases in Tehran. The mean age of the participants was 31.88 years (standard deviation=43.6), and their work experience ranged from 1 to 30 years, with a mean of 14.7 years (standard deviation=73.5). The performance of the personnel varied among three groups according to their socio-economic status (low, medium, and high). Overall, 50% of the participants (281 individuals) evaluated their performance as average. The highest standard deviation was observed in the low group, the lowest score in the medium group, and the highest score in the high socio-economic group.
Conclusion: Employees with better socio-economic conditions had better performance and physiological status. In other words, they had better health and were more effective for themselves and the organization. This emphasizes the need for more attention to the socio-economic concerns of emergency personnel, which should be considered as an investment and savings rather than an expense. This investment has a direct impact on the performance of employees and indirectly affects their health and reduces costs, such as sick leave, treatment, replacement staff, etc. It also affects the overall health of the society that receives emergency services.