Traffic management solutions and reducing air pollution in Eslamshahr; With the metro development approach abstract
The increase in traffic density in urban roads will result in harmful negative effects such as increase in air pollution, increase in fuel consumption and increase in dissatisfaction of road users. The general strategies of traffic congestion control can be divided into three parts, which include the creation of a restricted traffic area, turn-by-turn traffic plan, and traffic congestion pricing. Undoubtedly, one of the problems and dilemmas of urban societies in today's metropolises is the issue of traffic and its negative consequences in the areas of citizens' health and mental health and related social issues. The consequences that spread to the economic and management sectors in other stages and will have consequences for these sectors as well. Based on this, the main goal of the current research is traffic management solutions and reducing air pollution in Eslamshahr with the approach of metro development with a descriptive-analytical method. The research results show. The increase in population, migration from villages, the development of cities and the ever-increasing number of vehicles have caused a very important topic called
transportation and urban traffic, and according to the complexities of this topic, the need to create a comprehensive and integrated management of traffic
transportation has become an imperative. has become inevitable. And this point is not a secret to anyone that the proposed solutions and the costs incurred in the implementation of these programs along with other side costs in the health and mental sectors of the citizens, the importance and all-round cooperation of all institutions and the role of city managers in solving This highlights the problem. And it can be said that with the expansion of the phenomenon of urbanization,
transportation in cities has taken on wide dimensions and does not meet the traffic needs of people at the level of cities