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Advancing Smart Cities through LightweightConcrete: A Comprehensive Examination ofSustainability, Resilience, Efficiency, and Innovation

Publish Year: 1403
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
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Index date: 24 November 2024

Advancing Smart Cities through LightweightConcrete: A Comprehensive Examination ofSustainability, Resilience, Efficiency, and Innovation abstract

The integration of lightweight concrete into smart city infrastructure presents a compellingopportunity to enhance sustainability, resilience, and efficiency. This study explores the impact oflightweight concrete utilization in smart cities, drawing upon empirical evidence, theoreticalframeworks, and data analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of its implications. Theoreticalframeworks, including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Actor-Network Theory (ANT), offer valuableinsights into the environmental and sociotechnical aspects of lightweight concrete adoption. Analysis ofrelated data reveals significant energy consumption reductions of 15-20% for buildings constructed withlightweight concrete compared to traditional concrete structures. Cost analysis demonstrates comparableor lower total costs over the project lifecycle, with savings of up to $120,000 attributed to lightweightconcrete materials, labor, and transportation. Integration into smart city infrastructure involvessustainability assessment, structural endurance testing, and performance criteria evaluation.Sustainability indicators show lightweight concrete outperforming traditional concrete in CO2emissions reduction (25%), energy consumption (20%), and resource efficiency (80%). Structuralendurance tests confirm superior performance in seismic resistance, freeze-thaw durability, and fireresistance. Performance criteria specifications ensure structural integrity (>95%), thermal insulation (RValue>20), fire resistance (UL Class A), and construction efficiency (<12 months). The study concludeswith a summary of findings, highlighting the positive consequences of smart city development enabledby lightweight concrete, and identifies future research directions to optimize sustainability, resilience,and innovation in urban infrastructure.

Advancing Smart Cities through LightweightConcrete: A Comprehensive Examination ofSustainability, Resilience, Efficiency, and Innovation Keywords:

Advancing Smart Cities through LightweightConcrete: A Comprehensive Examination ofSustainability, Resilience, Efficiency, and Innovation authors

Iman Ebrahimi

Ph.D. student, Department of Marine industries, Science and Research Branch, Islamic AzadUniversity, Tehran, Iran

Behnaz Gholamzadeh.

Master's degree, Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Abadan branch of Islamic AzadUniversity, Abadan, Iran