Introduction : Artificial intelligence (AI) has been integrated into various fields of medicineand healthcare, including psychiatry. It has the potential to improve the accuracy ofdiagnoses, enhance the care of mentally ill patients, and streamline the treatment process. Tofully leverage this technology, it is essential to train and empower mental health nurses in itsapplication. As the key link between patients and doctors, nurses can utilize AI to analyzecomplex data, predict patient conditions, and deliver personalized care. However, nurses'attitudes toward the use of AI and their training in this area are influenced by several factors.This review article explores mental health nurses' perceptions of
education and empowermentin AI, while also examining the challenges and opportunities that exist in this field.Methods: This article provides a systematic review of published studies focusing on thetraining and
empowerment of
psychiatric nurses regarding artificial intelligence. Acomprehensive search was conducted across reputable databases such as PubMed, Scopus,Google Scholar, and CINAHL for articles published between 2010 and 2023. The selectioncriteria included keywords such as "psychological nursing," "artificial intelligence,""education," "empowerment," "nurses' attitudes," and "technology acceptance." Ultimately, atotal of 25 articles were analyzed, which examined nurses' attitudes, as well as the barriersand opportunities associated with AI education.Results: Many
psychiatric nurses view AI as a valuable tool for enhancing patient care andreducing their workload. However, there are concerns regarding the potential replacement ofthe human role, the trustworthiness of intelligent systems, and the ethical implicationsassociated with the use of patient data. These concerns present significant challenges to theadoption of AI among psychiatric nurses, including a lack of educational resources, limitedawareness of available technologies, and anxiety about the inability to adapt to rapidtechnological advancements. Additionally, many nurses find it difficult to learn about thesetechnologies due to their heavy workloads and insufficient time for training.Conclusion:Most of
psychiatric nurses express a desire for training in the use of artificialintelligence, emphasizing that such training should be comprehensive and take the form oflong-term, practical programs. They also seek specific training tailored to the uniquedemands of psychiatric care and the needs of mental health patients. Support fromorganizational and managerial leadership is crucial for nurses who are adopting new technologies, especially AI. To successfully integrate technology into their practice,psychiatric nurses need to establish a suitable infrastructure and engage in ongoing training.Finally, empowering mental health nurses in the use of
artificial intelligence will not onlyimprove the quality of care, but will also help reduce burnout and increase the efficiency ofnurses. Therefore, it is necessary to provide targeted and comprehensive educationalprograms in this field.