Numerical optimization of square cyclones geometry to increase Particle removal efficiency
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 23 اسفند 1392
Nowadays,due to high demand and energy consumption of cementindustry,production of cement and taking it into consideration beside manufacturing other industrial products are of great importance. On the other hand, the cement industry is one of the main dust producers. Therefore, paying attention to the most important environmental issue of the cement industry, the suspended dust particles entering the atmosphere and accumulation of dust received by the dust collectors in the environment that lead to environmental pollution, is essential. Modeling and controlling pollutants regarding cement industry is considered an effective step in preventing environmental pollution. One method of separating dust from air in the industrial factories, which is very reasonable in maintenance costs and decreases pollution, is using the cyclone. Having a simple geometry and design, cyclones are one of the most common tools for removing and separating particles from a fluid flow with a long history of air filtration in various industries.On the other hand, the unique geometry of cyclone makes the inner flow field distribution and particles movement modeling inside it highly complicated and in fact, the stability of the phases and the efficiency of particles separation can depend on the cyclone geometry. So the optimal design of the cyclone for increasing the efficiency is of extraordinary importance. Recently, squared cyclones have been taken into consideration. In this study, we have modeled the squared cyclone geometry numerically by using computer software and, by changing its geometry, examined the geometric effects on the separation of neutral particles.Then by using comparative figures, various factors are assessed and optimal cases of squared cyclone is introduced.
mohsen talebi
islamic azad university mashhad
mehrdad asgari
islamic azad university mashhad
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