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Analytical studi the rules on bankruptcy and refined in thecommercial code

Publish Year: 1394
Type: Journal paper
Language: English
View: 756

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Index date: 24 May 2016

Analytical studi the rules on bankruptcy and refined in thecommercial code abstract

Bankruptcy the most important topics of the Commercial Code. The effects and the negative effects itonly stuck skirt bankrupt businessman or not, but depending on the extent of the scope trader ortrading company, dealing with business partners or third parties and creditors and the company thatwill be affected and Sometimes, if the extent of the company, to more bankruptcies and unemployedworkers, and the consequences for the economy also leads to havoc. Due to the harmful effects of thelaw to deal with that is the idea.

Analytical studi the rules on bankruptcy and refined in thecommercial code Keywords:

Analytical studi the rules on bankruptcy and refined in thecommercial code authors

Mohammadreza Marandi

Department of Law, Germi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Germi, Iran

Seyyed Shahzad Bolandi Saadat

Department of Law, Germi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Germi, Iran

Zakkie Sultan Gheis

Department of Law, Germi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Germi, Iran

Hossein Bahari

Department of Law, Germi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Germi, Iran