Ranking Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction at Organizational Level Via DEMATEL and FANP Approach

Publish Year: 1393
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 مرداد 1395


Job satisfaction is the most frequently studied variable in the organizational research. Different models have been provided for assessing job satisfaction. Each one of these models have their own peculiar indices for evaluating job satisfaction including the nature of job, promotions, relations with colleagues and managers, job security, participation in organizational affairs etc. But one of the problems faced by human resource scholars, experts and planners is lack of recognition of evaluation criteria and the importance of each criterion in evaluation of the results of human resource management practice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to recognize the effective criteria in evaluation of the job satisfaction for investing companies through inter views with experts. We applied the hybrid fuzzy ANP and DEMATEL method to determine correlation among the criteria and their relative weight in evaluation of job satisfaction factors in order to enable investors to prioritize the plans based on these criteria and the scores of each plan which are calculated based on the criteria. Results show that, among five dimensions of job satisfaction criteria, pay and promotion have high weight and most be considered in the first step in order to increase job satisfaction


S.ali torabi

Associate Professor, Department of industrial engineering University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

faghihe moein

PhD Student of Operation Research, Management Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

ali bayazi

PhD Student of Strategic management, College of Management, University of Tarbiat modaress, Tehran, Iran.

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