Improving Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks having Mobile Sinks through Fuzzy Algorithm

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 بهمن 1395


Wireless sensor networks have countless applications including environment monitoring, security, health and underground mines. Nevertheless, the chief limitation in sensor networks focuses the energy resources of sensor nodes. In addition, the sensor nodes are not easily achievable in different practices such as battle fields, dense forests etc. due to the contradictory nature of such environments, and so, they are not rechargeable. This is the reason why many studies have been made in terms of frugality in the use of sensor node energy for long-term operations in such networks. Since the sensor nodes closer to sink have to bear more traffic to carry the data, they quickly lose their energy which leads to energy holes and partitioning the network. Including the Mobile sink to sensor networks emerges a novel opportunity for improvement of network function regarding energy consuming, network life-span, delay and increase in application. In the present research, a smart move algorithm is presented for Mobile sinks to improve routing operations and to increase the efficiency of wireless sensor Network. The mentioned algorithm works based on smart strategy to determine the destination of the next step of sink. Fuzzy algorithm is the very smart method used in proposed method. In the proposed method, the MFs include the degree of sensor node (the number of neighbors of sensor node), the remaining energy in sensor node, and the distance between sensor node and sink as the entry of fuzzy algorithm. The output of fuzzy algorithm helps us determine the next step of sink move. The experimental results indicate that the suggested algorithm, in network life-span, energy consuming and other parameters, has a better function than the available algorithms.


Sima Jaryani

Department of Electrical, Computer and It Engineering Islamic Azad University of Qazvin

Ali Broumandnia

Department of Electrical, Computer and It Engineering Islamic Azad University of Qazvin

Mirramin Akbarian Oghani

Department of Electrical, Computer and It Engineering Islamic Azad University of Qazvin