Experimental investigation of marine engine (TD43) by using diesel and biodiesel fuel

Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1395


In this paper, a variable compression ratio marine engine (TD43) which uses diesel fuel and biodiesel has been investigated experimentally. Biodiesel fuel is renewable and non-toxic and this is an advantage for floating offshore tank leeks. At first in five rounds of engine (1000rpm, 1250rpm, 1500rpm, 1750rpm and 2000rpm) and two compression rate of 16 and 18, amount of power and torque has been measured by using diesel fuel. It is observant that the amount of power output increased by increasing engine round and compression ratio. The most amount of power 6kw obtained for 18 compression ratio and 2000rpm engine round. About 1750rpm and then reduced gradually. Then the power output is obtained by using two types of biodiesel (15% and 25%) in two compression ratio of 16 and 18 and three engine round of (1000rpm, 1500rpm and 2000rpm) and the result were compared with the results showed that using biodiesel increased power compared to the diesel fuel.


laboratory investigation , diesel and biodiesel fuel , power output and engine torque , variable compression ratio marine engine (TD43)


Mohammad reza ahmadi moghadam

Master student of mechanical engineering, sistan and balochestan University

Liya hooshyary

Master student of mechanical engineering, alzahra University

Said arahat

Full professor of mechanical engineering, sistan and balochestan University;