The importance of entrepreneurship in social –economic development of society
Publish place: The 9th International Conference on Economics and Management
Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 خرداد 1396
Without a doubt, entrepreneurship has a very important role in economic and sustainable development of all societies. So that today it is considered as one of the parameters of development in developing countries. Entrepreneurship is the most important source of innovation, job creation and development. One of the factors that are raised as the source of economic development is the presence of entrepreneurs with some factors like innovation and creativity. The expansion of entrepreneurial spirit and training entrepreneurs in society has a favorable effect on social-economic development, because entrepreneurs cause the improvement of manufacturing and service firms’ performance by using economic facilities and creating new business opportunities. Thus, in the present study, first some definitions of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs will be presented in order to study the necessity of entrepreneurship in social-economic development. Finally, a conclusion will be made from the present study.
Saba Kazazi Majd Abadi
corresponding author Bachelor of business management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch, Tehran, Iran
Keyvan Loloei
PhD, faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Mahalat branch, Mahalat, Iran
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