A Reliable approach for teminating the GA Optimization method

Publish Year: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 شهریور 1396


Genetic algorithm GA has been extensively used in recent in recent decades to solve many optimization problems in various field of science and engineerign. In most cases the number of iterations is the only criterion which is used to stop the GA in practice, this criterion will lead to prolong execution times to ensure proper solution. A novel approach is presented in this article as the approximate number of decisive iterations ANDI which can be used to successfully terminate the GA opimization method with minimum execution time two simple correlations are preedom ADF of the merit function at hand. for comoplex metit functions. a linear smoother such as regularization network can be used to estimate the required adf. four illustrative case studies are used to successfully validate the proposed approach by effectively finding the optimum point by using to the presented correlation. the linear correlation is more preferable because it is much simpler to use and the horizontal. axis represents the approximate not exact degrees of freedom. it was also clearly shown that the regularization networks can successfully filter out the nosie and mimic the true hper - surface underlying a bunch of noisy data set.


Genetic algorithm. Thrmination criterion , approximate degress of freedom , approximate number of decisive iteration , linear amoother con cept , regularization networks


L lotfikatooli

Department of chemical engineering faculty of engineering ferdowsi university of mashhad iran

A. shhsavand

Department of chemical engineering faculty of engineering ferdowsi university of mashhad iran