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Doing revision of the last ICAO document in aeronautical (ASBU)

Publish Year: 1396
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
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Index date: 26 February 2018

Doing revision of the last ICAO document in aeronautical (ASBU) abstract

The Global Air Navigation Plan introduces a systems engineering planning and implementation approach which has been the result of extensive collaboration and consultation between ICAO, its Member States and industry stakeholders. ICAO developed the Block Upgrade global framework primarily to ensure that aviation safety will be maintained and enhanced, that ATM improvement programmers are effectively harmonized, and that barriers to future aviation efficiency and environmental gains can be removed at reasonable cost. The Block Upgrades incorporate a long-term perspective matching that of the three companion ICAO air navigation planning documents. They coordinate clear air- and ground based Operational objectives together with the avionics, data link and ATM system requirements needed to achieve them. The overall strategy serves to provide industry-wide transparency and essential investment certainty for operators, equipment manufacturers and ANSPs. The core of the concept is linked to four specific and interrelated aviation Performance Improvement Areas, namely:1)Airport Operations 2) Globally-interoperable systems and data 3) Optimum capacity and flexible flights 4) Efficient Flight Paths. The Performance Improvement Areas and the ASBU Modules associated with each have been organized into a series of four Blocks (Blocks 0, 1, 2 and 3) based on timelines for the various capabilities [1-2].The Global Air Navigation Plan’s aviation system Block Upgrade methodology is a programmatic and flexible global systems engineering approach that allows all Member States to advance their air navigation capacities based on their specific operational requirements. The Block Upgrades will enable aviation to realize the global harmonization, increased capacity, and improved environmental efficiency that modern air traffic growth now demands in every region around the world [2].

Doing revision of the last ICAO document in aeronautical (ASBU) Keywords:

Doing revision of the last ICAO document in aeronautical (ASBU) authors

Mohsen kazemi

Civil Aviation Technology College, Civil Aviation CompanyTehran, IRAN

Sayed Mahdi Taghavi

Civil Aviation Technology College, Civil Aviation CompanyTehran, IRAN

Rosha Chizari

Department of Intelligent RoboticsAzad, University,Iran Air CompanyTehran, IRAN

Shima Hosseinian

Department of Intelligent RoboticsAzad, University,Iran Air CompanyTehran, IRAN