Topology of opsonization: revealing a pattern of cancerous differential geometry

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 417

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اسفند 1396


To ratchet up natural body’s immune response towards cancer, subtypes of opsonizing reagents have been infused through injection [before getting into the metastasis stage] into the micro-environment ofthe cancerous tumor. Such chemical agents have acted towards getting the peripheral tumor cells to get prepared to receive levels of spontaneously stimulated natural killer cells. This, of course, to a large extent, demands the topological onhooking of the opsonizing (re-)agents to the peripheral micro- mileu of the tumor: something which has largely been ignored, maybe due to its interdisiplinary designcomplications. Despite the fact that many biological and biochemical aspects of opsonization have been gone through, the geometric enginiering of the stimulants to the process of opsonization have not been (well) studied from the point of view of bringing chemical agents, opsonizers, and the micro- environment of the tumor itself on the same level of immanency. This is to the purpose of gauging the stereometric parameters of proper molecular onslaught as metricized to the best possible precision, thus leading to nearly fully successful act of opsonization. Regarding the relationship between the functionality and the geometrical shaping of cells, we two have –for the last 4 years– been examining the topology of normal/stem/cancerous cells. Accordingly, the induction has been made that: theAtiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence does have its application in predicting the topological properties of tumor micro-environments. This in itself makes it possible for the early diagnosis of some types ofcancer possibly even without leveling cultures [say, through Immunocytochemistry tagging]. The whole process revolves around the idea that the cohomology either through K-theory or by means of C-algebra not only differentiates in between normal and abnormal growth, but also brings about the likelihood of discerning those sub-spaces in which stem cell structuration could be manipulated. Theprognostication improves, of course, by adding on the application of CW-complexing {if homeomorphology proves to be differential at molecular-level co-planarity}. This even goes to the extent of molally/molecularly designing for culturing those tissues which are mostly regarded to be entelechially non-regenerable, though our success has not been –at least experimentally– as remarkable in this latter field as it has been in early cancer diagnosis. Despite the fact that absolute 100% identity between things means absolutely nothing, there is likelihood of talking of differentials of identity if onedecides to strictly remain at one and the same immanent level, without properties acting as qualia, or: properties overlapping which are themselves belonging to more than one micro-environment. Differential identities are either repetitive or quazi-repetitive (not going into the details of finding quazi- repetitiveness on the same modes). If and when the mathematical, but specifically the differential ,properties, belong to logical proofs in any geometry, then: there shall come about the specific likelihood of analytic mathematics comprising many a part of accessibility to the very prognostication of prone-to-cancer micro-environments. We have managed to procreatively define spaces of (any) n- dimensions whereby co-planarity is not at all specified by the property of orthogonality or mirrororthogonality. Later on, the hooking of the natural killer cells onto the opsonized peripheral micro- environment might well be enhanced by changing the flow cytology through the means of micro-fluidsdesigned according to our own high-throughput modeling. These could be copied out multifariously [in two or three stages] following high energy consumption from biochips as the medium in between thesimulation In Silico and the actual In Vitro. The process of the getting of the eat-me signal to the natural killer cells can also act according to the terminological hypothesis in Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM), whereby the level of Takhalkhol (porosity) increase in a particular tissue would make it more vulnerable to the entering of resolving agent(s). This is accomplishable as a result of porosity grading matrix inserted by boundary-atom schemes, which most probably acts in response to adjuvant radiation therapy when from 100 to 1000 molecules come out of their relatively stable biomolecular structure. To elaborately dissect the cancerous micro-environment into segmental lobes with a NON- BOUNDARY precision of 50 Angstroms, the very signaling has again worked with 76% efficiency in our labs. One cannot arrive at any brand of precise constructivist image identity and/or fairly contextual essentialist identity if one –according to what was mentioned above– does not bring about the non-orthogonality of co-planar spaces. The presentation, thus, goes with the superposition of re- presentation for cases when all remaining symptomatologies are translatable into fade-mirroring of the existing superposition itself. It is to be noted that our non-conventional use of Bayesian statistics has, in some cases, will cause changes in the aforesaid statistical. More funding and experiential protocol would certainly be needed for the sheer purpose of bringing into harmonizing line the abovementioned stages of treatment to be well marked with enough data characterization, extending the horizons of TPM manners of treatment into modern oncological prospects.


Babak Daneshfard

Student Research Committee, Shiraz University Of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

Reza Sanaye

Essence Of Parsiyan Wisdom Institute, Phytopharmaceutical Technology And Traditional Medicine Incubator, Shiraz University Of MedicalSciences, Shiraz, Iran