The effect of penalogical teaching on alternative penalties of imprisonment

Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 فروردین 1397


Increase in the use of penalties depriving freedom leads to problems and pressures on policy makers and criminal penalties, so they devised based on alternative approaches and social penalties tried to exit from the crisis; Social punishments, punishments that offenders are punished by public institutions and civil society at the heart receives Because crime is a social phenomenon and brainchild community, so the most important factor preventing recidivism should be found in the social sphere. Civil society shaping public domain the day according to their position on the one hand and the other hand over the government to the people and official institutions, can participate in the social sphere and to eliminate the causes close Direct and mass media, as well as reducing crime situations that provide Tkrarjrm an effective role in preventing and reducing crime Have. Through the teachings of penological proved unsuccessful and rehabilitating offenders in prison, Non- custodial penalties were proposed. The teachings and punishments to fix the problems of prisons, help reform offenders and reduce prison populations better, in different forms such as house arrest, Training camps and treatment suspension of punishment, sentencing delays, financial penalties, utilities, loss of civil rights and prohibit forced to stay or residence in a specific area into the legal system of the country. This educational practices help facilitate the process country. This educational practices help facilitate the process the possibility of breakdown of the family of the perpetrator with your family and led them to prevent crime and reduce recidivism rates, increase security and reduce the government s burden. This penalty is needed to create the infrastructure and financial resources. Since the teaching of penological with attention to historical development in many communities has created significant changes in the penal population decline This requires more and better in our community through the teachings of penological measures taken to further the interests of our profit alternative punishment in prison.



Hadi Noruzi

Graduate student Criminal Law and Criminology, Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Reza Faani

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran