Citizen Journalism and E-Media, trends towards an E-City
Publish place: The Second Conference on Electronic City
Publish Year: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 اردیبهشت 1388
The term E-City applies to methodologies with the help of computer networks, allowing everyday transactions and social interactions to be further optimized and less costly. E-City has many elements such as E-Government, E-Media, E-Learning, E-Banking, and many more. E-Media plays a large part in E-City, allowing individuals and organizations to be more proactive with promotion and distribution with respect to their ideas. The issue of Citizen Journalism and E-Media as it relates to the E-City are essential need for the new millennium. A major component of E-Media is citizen journalism, where individuals and organizations perform as journalists in terms of creating/reporting news and analyses of a multitude of events. Citizen journalism needs an online platform or an internet portal whereby individuals and organizations can place their coverage. Kalam is one of these portals which focus mostly on the Middle
East. Since many people would like to be involved in creating and reporting news, Kalam with its rational control of information could create a genuine, legitimate and credible space for people to share ideas, primarily by sharing videos
Hossein Jalali
Al Aan TV, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Mahdi Hashemi
Al Aan TV, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shabnam Tahernia
Al Aan TV, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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