Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 494

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 تیر 1397


Introduction & Aim: Breast reconstruction after mastectomy is acceptable for patients. It can be accomplished using a variety of techniques that can involve the use of autologous tissues and implants.Methods: This is a review study, collected from new articles.Results: Pre-pectoral placement of a tissue expander was utilized during breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy. The results showed decreased post-operative pain, quicker recovery time, improved mobility and an excellent aesthetic outcome for patients.New evidence showed the Lipofilling is safe for breast reconstruction .Fat injection for breast reconstruction doesn t increase risk of recurrent breast cancer. In a study the rate of loco regional recurrence in the breast and surrounding area was not significantly different between two groups: 1.3 percent for women who had lipofilling versus, 2.4 percent in those who did not. The sole exception was women receiving hormone therapy, for women lipofilling was associated with a small but significant increase in loco-regional recurrence risk, 1.4 versus 0.5 percent.A study in 2016 showed, immediate breast reconstruction (I.B.R) reduced psychological impact of mastectomy and poor body image, and diminished sexual well being, compared to those waiting for delayed breast re-construction (D.B.R).Some patients with a combination of risk factors may benefit from delay rather than immediate breast implant reconstruction after a mastectomy to decrease their risk for serious wound complications.Conclusion: when the decision is made to delay breast reconstruction until other treatments were completed, The wait time should be expedited to minimize for decrease psycho-social distress .


Shojaei Mehraneh

Faculty of midwifery, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Iran