A Review on the Impact of Men s Age Increase on Infertility Treatment through ICSI / IVF

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 507

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1397


Backgournd: In recent years, the prevalence of infertile diseases has increased rapidly. One of treatment routes in ART is to use ICSI / IVF; which is a new technology in producing zigot in vitro, and this treatment route is influenced by factors. There are a number of different factors, which the age is one of them. Since age in ART has always been a determinative factor for the success or failure of ICS/IVF, the age of men was virtually ignored, so it decided to review the research on the effect of men s age on the success rate of fertility. Method: To do this, we used google scholar s medical pub-med search engines which include two sections of the semen analysis (volume, concentration, sperm motility, energy, morphology) and sperm genomic decay, TuNEL assay, an line blue staining and flaoresent in situ hybridization; these experiments were performed in two groups of peympanes 40 and over 40 years old. Results: The results showed there was no significant difference between the semen parameters of groups 1 and 2, and the analysis of SGD tests showed that the age of the men would increase the DNA and chromatin decomposition, as well as the amount of aneuploidy.Conclusion: These tests showed the increase in age of men is one of the factors affecting infertility treatment through IVF / ICSI and also increases the likelihood of abortion


Marzieh Hemmati

Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj