A Rare Case of Schwannoma presenting as bilateral intraoccular masses
Publish place: 19th Annual Conference and the 2nd International Conference on Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Publish Year: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 625
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 آبان 1397
Introduction: Schwannoma is a benign, encapsulated tumor, arise from proliferating Schwann cells, and contain 8% to 10% of all primary intracranial tumors. Primary intraorbital schwannomas are rare, and about 47 cases have been reported till days based on review of literatures. In the eye, although schwannoma is a rare, but is agreat, simulator of the most common primary intraocular tumor, such as malignant melanoma so differentiation is needed from other intraocular tumors clinically and histopathologically. Case presentation: We report another case of schwannoma presenting as bilateral intraocular mass in a 28 years old woman, who presented with chief complain of pain, bilateral visual loss and initial diagnosis of chronic congenital glaucoma. She underwent bilateral sequential enucleation,and cut surfaces of the resected specimens revealed ovoid firm amelanotic tumors which composed of spindle cells with mild pleomorphism, elongated nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and long fibrillary eosinophilic cytoplasmic processes predominantly arranged in fascicular pattern with diffuse immunoreactivity for s100 protein and GFAP in IHC study. Conclusion:This case indicates that Schwannoma is a rare intraocular neoplasm, which is benign but should be differentiate from other intraocular neoplasms especially malignant melanoma.
Foroogh Mangeli
Pathologist,Department of pathology,Bam university of medical science,Kerman,Iran
Peyman Mohammadi torbati
Associated professor of pathology, Department of pathology,labafinezhad hospital,Shahid beheshti university of medical science,Tehran,Iran