Redefinding the habitation concept in contemporary architecture, a step towards the protection of the heritage of modern architecture

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 451

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 مرداد 1398


The transition from tradition to modernity in Iran, as in most other countries of the world, took place very quickly and sometimes unwittingly. This leap aftermath of the Influence of the Revolution industrial revolution followed by the import of technology has undergone fundamental changes in the industry, and the education of the building and its architectural aspects. An Iranian architecture rich in a thousand years is said to have been forgotten, and modern architecture is in its place. The rich and unique background of many historic cities in Iran, including the city of Shiraz, has also contributed to the flourishing of this flow. In reviewing the historical evolution of the city of Shiraz, valuable and significant architecture is evident in the city s middle fabric -The gap between the old fabric and modern city- which unfortunately has been neglected today. In this regard, identifying the experiences of contemporary Shiraz architecture is very important as the most serious and tangible new architecture thinking in the context of a city with a rich historical background. The attempt to identify and study of transitional Architecture Index (from tradition to modernity) and the analysis of the concept of habitation in contemporary architecture in the city of Shiraz, in fact, provides the basis for obtaining valuable information and documents that can be a new approach in identifying the effective patterns of traditional Iranian architecture (Shiraz city) in the modern architecture of this city. The leading study maintains its hypothesis on this principle that the ecosystem culture of the nations is a good guide for adaptability in the developments. Identifying the effective components in native architecture can also lead to the formation of an atmosphere suitable for the adaptability of today s needs to the leading challenges. On this basis, it is predicted


Elham Dehghani

Ph.D. Student of Architecture, Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran