The Investigation of the Relationship between FGFR Mutation G1138T and Breast Cancer in West Azarbaijan Province

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 389

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 مرداد 1398


Introduction & Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the world. FGFR is a receptor of fibroblastic growth in the body and is a receptor of tyrosine kinase, which has a second attachment to the extracellular and intracellular ligand. FGFR and protein adjuvants of a network The complex signaling has a major role in cellular and angiogenic differentiation in the body, and any mutations in the sequence and formation of this complex cause disturbance of cellular differentiation and the formation of metastasis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between FGFR mutation G1138T and the incidence of breast cancer be Materials and Method: In this research, 63 women with breast cancer in the West Azerbaijan province as a group and 60 healthy women as control group were enrolled. DNA extraction was done by ethanol deposition method Tetra primer-ARMS PCR was used for amplification of the target area and sequencing. Finally, the data were analyzed by SPSS V.24 and t-test. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 48% in the patient group and 52% in the control group and 54% in the T group and 46% in the control group, which showed no significant correlation with the incidence of the disease (P = 0.19), but the rate The frequency of homozygous recessive group 42% was significantly correlated with the incidence of heterozygote and dominant homozygous groups (OR = 3.1 -CL 95% = 1.21 - 12.43) (P = 0.001) Conclusion: According to the results, the FGFR gene mutation can be used for individuals with homozygous recessive genotype as a pre-notification factor.


Breast Cancer Polymorphism G1138T Gene FGFR


Morteza Hakimian

Masters of Genetics- Young Researchers and Elite Club, ardebil Branch, Islamic Azad University, ardebil, Iran

Ramin Nouri

Master of Genetics- Young Researchers and Elite Club, ardebil Branch, Islamic Azad University, ardebil, Iran

Sasan Talaneh

Masters of Genetics- Young Researchers and Elite Club, ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, ahar, Iran