Compression Refrigeration Cycle Hybrid with Geothermal Heat Exchanger with De-Super Heater

Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 مهر 1398


In the present paper, a hybrid system including the compression refrigeration cycle and geothermal heat exchanger is investigated experimentally which the ground heat exchanger is utilized as a condenser of the refrigeration cycle. In order to improve the proposed system, de-super heater which is a double helix tube heat exchanger is used. Present article includes three sections. At the first section, the de-super heater is removed (as de-super heater), and the geothermal heat exchanger is utilized as condenser. At this section, the de-super heater is located before the condenser (after compressor) and works as a second condenser which is an air-cooled condenser. In the second section, by disabling the geothermal cycle coupled to the condenser, the geothermal cycle is coupled with de-super heater. In this case, the condenser works with natural convection of open air like a refrigerator and freezing condenser. Here, the outlet super heat fluid of compressor enters the de-super. So, the hot liquid fluid flows through the condenser. This section has better thermal performance than the first section. The results indicated that the system could be optimized by this method. In the third section, the geothermal cycle is coupled by a de-super and the condenser of the cycle is cooled by a fan. In this section, as same as the second section, the refrigeration cycle is cooled using a geothermal circuit that is coupled to a de-super. The condenser is cooled by forced air flow. On the other hand, the third section is significantly the same as the second section, but a cooling fan is considered for cooling the condenser heat exchanger. In this method, the results were similar to the second method, but a little better stability was found in the system s sub cooling. That s what makes the third section test prior to the previous test.


Compression Refrigeration Cycle (CRC) , Geothermal Heat Exchanger (GHE) , Hybrid System , De-Super Heater , Experimental


Morteza Mohammadzadeh Amiri

MSC Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology

Seyed Soheil Mousavi Ajarestaghi

PhD Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology,

Mohsen Pourfallah

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology