Distinguishing Attack on a Modified Version of MAG Stream Cipher
Publish place: 6th Iranian Security Community Conference
Publish Year: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 1,986
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 تیر 1389
MAG is a synchronous stream cipher designed by Vuckovac submitted to the eSTREAM project.Vuckovac also proposed two modified versions of MAG to avoid the distinguishing attack on the first version of MAG presented by Fischer. In this paper we show that, changing the Fischer’s attack we can apply it to one of the modified versions of MAG. The modified attack requires only 514 successive bytes of known keystream and 5 xor and 2 comparison operations between 16 bit words. In addition, we show that distinguishing and key recovery attack proposed by Simpson and Henricksen on all versions of MAG is feasible just by considering an assumption on initialization of MAG that simplifies this step so much. Therefore, their attack cannot be performed in general.
Arash Mirzaei۱
Cryptography & System Security Research Lab. (CSSRL)
Mohammad Dakhil Alian۲
Cryptography & System Security Research Lab. (CSSRL)
Mahmoud Modarres Hashemi۳
Cryptography & System Security Research Lab. (CSSRL)
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