Publish Year: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 498

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 دی 1398


Bus advertisement is an influential and amazing medium among various transport advertisements in urban areas because of high-exposure advertising environments and easy accessibility for a variety of consumers. Bus speaks to shoppers, workers and students, as well as other motorists which is a great medium for advertising with their size and mobility. The bus adverts can be seen all around cities and towns, reaching hundreds of potential customers again and again. They target various consumers with constant influence for what to buy and where to go with timetabled frequency. In this work, the effect of various components in bus advertisement research such as colors, distance between observer and dynamic media, speed of bus, graphic color scheme, city color, observer features, characteristics of city economy, cultural futures of the city, graphic design, designing images, urban arts, climatic features, vegetarian characteristic of the city, city traffic, city texture, municipal laws, urban advertising, urban landscapes, city imageability, city visual pollution and air pollution on the amount of observers’ attention and perception was studied. The overall results revealed a relation between different components and the impression value of urban advertisements which would can be useful for the advertisers to effectively design outer vehicle advertisements in dynamic environments, thereby affecting pedestrian attention more considerably.


T. Ahmadi

Islamic Azad University, Qods City Branch, Tehran, Iran

T. Ahmadi

Tehran Beautification Organization (TBO), P.O. Box ۱۵۴۱-۱۵۸۷۵, Tehran, Iran

K. Zaker Haghighi

Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch, Hamadan, Iran