Analysis of genetic diversity of Prunus salicina using SSR marker

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 628

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 بهمن 1398


Plums are many types and genotypes in the country that can be used in reformative programs. In this study, genetic variation and cognation relationships were evaluated among 26 genotypes of Japanese plums by use of microsatellite (DNA markers) locations with capillary method. The cluster analysis results formed three distinct clusters in this study. The first cluster involved in 9 genotypes and types, Early Golden, Shiro, Tabriz 9, Fathi 9, Barghani Yellow plum, Sangharabadi, NO 17, Queen Rosa and Shahroud 18 and the second cluster involved in 10 genotypes and types, Ghasrdasht plums tomato, Ghandi, Moretini, Shablon plum , Black Amber, Extern Mashhad, Ablina, Faryar, NO16, Laroda and the third cluster involved in 7 genotypes and type, Suri Sou, Persimmon Plum, Tansgal, Black Star, Ghatreh Tala, Bromoza and Mashhad 4. The B16 marker produced the highest number of alleles, effective alleles maximum in C35 microsatellite location, highest expected heterozygosis in the C35 microsatellite location, observed heterozygosis maximum in B25 location, the highest Shannon index for the C35 consolidation was estimated. In this research, the Black Star genotype had the highest genetic distance with Ghatreh Tala and barmoza genotypes, which are suitable for making intersection, markers C35 and B2 are suitable for studying and evaluating the available plums, due to high heterozygosis and high number of traceable alleles. This study showed that microsatellite markers have a high ability to distinguish Japanese plum genotypes from each other.


Maryam zanganeh

former Student MSc and author

foad fatehi

Assistant professor, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

mohialdin pirkhezri

temperate fruits research center, horticultural science research institute, agricultural research education and extension organization (AREEO), tehran, iran

gholamreza bakhshi khaniki

Assistant professor, Department of Agriculture, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran