Explaining the objectives of the moral intelligence of Elementary school students abstract
The present study is aimed to investigate the codification process of moral intelligence curriculum. In this research, content analysis based on deductive composition method and sequential model of Mairing is used. The study area included all electronic and printed texts from the thoughts and ideas of scientists and ideologists of moral intelligence and curriculum reconceptualism and the texts were chosen through purposeful sampling and the information were gathered through note taking. The required considerations regarding the credibility and dependability were taken into account. The results indicate that after the content analysis of the selected texts, 20 conceptual codes were found including: the development of moral performance, the development of moral thought (moral reasoning), creating executive character, creating moral character, the development of religious beliefs, educating the aesthetics view to morality, education of freedom of thought and behavior, the development of creative thinking, the development of critical thinking, educating good and lawful citizen, creating the democracy belief, the development of internal motivation (self-motivation), the education of caring and sympathy spirit, the development of social awareness and behaviors, the development of work ethics (conscientious), the growth of kindness and empathy, the development and education of the perfectionist motivation, the strengthening of the rule of law skill, the development of self-care and moral conscience and the education of deep and philosophical thinking towards the self and phenomena and determining the moral intelligence curriculum objectives of the primary school students.