Nanoelectronics and the evolution of nano-biosensors

1 شهریور 1402 - خواندن 5 دقیقه - 759 بازدید

Nano  bioelectrical biosensors have been created for various applications such as food quality estimation, environmental monitoring and diagnosis of clinical and metabolic complications. Nanoelectronics technology has dedicated some very exciting materials to improve the sensing phenomenon. The use of various nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanotubes, and nanowires, causes faster identification and reproducibility in a much better way.

The unique properties of nanomaterials such as high electrical conductivity, better shock tolerance,  and sensitive responses such as versatile piezo-electric color detection mechanisms are only results of the multitude of properties of nanomaterials.  Different types of biosensors are propagated based on different types of nanomaterials and their developmental and implicit aspects. The measurement of biological responses has assumed great importance in the current scenario of ever-dynamic environmental developments and altered homeostatic events that   occur  at the in vivo  as well as  intracorporeal level  . Analyzing the behavior of changing materials is of great importance in areas such as pharmaceutical diagnostics, food quality screening, and environmental applications.

In this reference, the development of efficient nano biosensors that can analyze the minutest details of biological interactions even on a very small scale with extreme accuracy and maximum sensitivity is always possible and deserves urgent attention as a major component of biosensing mechanisms  . Transduction is the task of converting bioanalyte interactions in a detectable and reproducible manner using transfer mechanisms. Nanomaterials can be a very surprising factor in this dimension because they have a high surface-to-volume ratio, which allows the surface to be used in a better and more diverse way. Furthermore, their electromechanical properties are a tremendous asset for biosensor technology. The nanostructural marvels offered by nanotechnology have revolutionized existing molecular events that have provided an opportunity to manipulate atoms and molecules and observe biological phenomena at the physiological level with much greater precision. The term "nano biosensor" is a misnomer in the sense that it prefixes the word "nano" with it. Because nanoscience is interdisciplinary in nature, putting the word nano as a prefix often means using or manipulating a scale equivalent to a billionth of a meter. One has to slowly gather the idea that the nano biosensor has. Because nanoscience is interdisciplinary in nature, putting the word nano as a prefix often means using or manipulating a scale equivalent to a billionth of a meter. One has to slowly gather the idea that the biosensor has. Because nanoscience is interdisciplinary in nature, putting the word nano as a prefix often implies use or manipulation on a scale equivalent to a billionth of a meter.

Note: Different sciences such as biochemistry, biology, electronics, different branches of chemistry and physics are present in the design of a nanosensor. The main part of a chemical or biological sensor is its sensing element. The sensing element is in contact with a detector. This element is responsible for identifying and linking with the desired species in a complex sample.

Then the detector converts the chemical signals produced as a result of the binding of the sensing element with the desired species into a measurable output signal. Biosensors rely on biological components such as antibodies. Enzymes, receptors or whole cells can be used as sensing elements.

Types of nanosensors (nanosensors)

Nanosensors are classified in different ways. One of these categories is based on the shape of nanoparticles and their application as follows:

  • A-  Nanostructured materials: such as porous silicon, nanosensors made of these materials are used to identify chemical and biological reactions.
  • B-  Nanoparticles: such as nanoscale spherical materials that are used as optical-biological, optical-chemical receptors and spatial image sensors  . Such as nano silicon particles that are used as biosensors. Also, nanosensors can be divided into three categories based on their structure  : quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and nanotools.

Modern application of nanosensors (nanobiosensors) in improving food and agriculture industries

Using these sensors (nano biosensors) it is possible to identify very small amounts of chemical pollution or virus and bacteria in the agricultural and food system. Research  in the field of nano-tools is one of the most up-to-date scientific researches in the world. With the introduction of science and nano technology and the possibility of making electrodes on a very small scale, it became possible to make nanometer sensors. These  sensors were named nanobiosensors (biological nanosensors) in terms of their nanometer size and their application in biological environments. Biosensors  are very small electrodes with nanometer size and cell dimensions that, through the fixation of certain enzymes on their surface, are more suitable for  detection . The desired chemical or biological species have been sensitized in the cells. Biological systems are used. This technique is a very useful method in detecting the passage of some molecules through the cell wall or membrane.