خانم دکتر Farideh Ataeifar

Dr. Farideh Ataeifar


Researcher ID: (284480)


ISI Papers

  •  Farideh Ataeifar, “The Effect of Music on Reading Comprehension of EFL Students”, International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, (2015), Vol 9 (2)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, “The Generalization of Relative Clause Instruction in the Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language”, International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, (2015), Vol 9 (2)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, Lotfollah Yarmohammadi, “The Difference between Persian Females and Males’ Speech patterns with Respect to Certain Linguistics Features such as empty Adjectives, Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, (2015), Vol 5 (3)
  •  Mustafa Zamaninan, Farideh Ataeifar, Sepideh Alipoor, “The Role of Teaching Materials in the Language Classroom” Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, (2016), Vol 6 (2)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, Maryam Gaffari, Sepideh Alipoor, Firooz Sadighi, “The Effect of Implicit and Explicit Instructions on Learning L1 Formal Vocabulary of Iranian Kindergarten Learners”, International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, (2017), Vol 14 (3)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, Firooz Sadighi, “Lowering Foreign Language Anxiety Through Technology: A Case of Iranian EFL Sophomore Students”, English Literature and Language Review, (2017), Vol 3 (4)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri, “an Evaluation of Oral Interview and Voice Thread as Elicitation Techniques to Assess EFL Learners’ Speaking Skill”, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, (2017), Vol 4 (4)
  •  Farideh Ataeifar, Firooz Sadighi, Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri, Fatemeh Behjat, “Iranian Female Students’ Perceptions of the Impact of Mobile-assisted Instruction on their English Speaking Skill, Cogent Education, (2019), Vol 6 (1)

Conference Papers

  • Farideh Ataeifar, “The Generalization of Relative Clause Instruction in the Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language” • The Second National Interdisciplinary Conference on Current Issues of English Language Teaching and Learning, Literature, Translation and Linguistics (2016), Shahid Chamran University, Shahrekord University,and Imam Khomeini I (2016)
  • The Changing Face Of Language Learning: Individualization, Self-access and Learner Training. The 2nd national Conference on Innovations in English Language Teaching, Learning , and assessment, Shiraz. (2016)

Journal Papers

Teaching Experience


سوابق شغلی و تخصصی

  • مدیریت آموزشگاه زبان های خارجی پویش (11380-1400)
  • مدیریت آموزشگاه علمی آزاد زبانکده شیراز (1382-1400)
  • داوری مقالات علمی ژورنال های بین المللی (1399-1400)
  • سابقه تدریس در مدرس ارشد کانون زبان ایران (1384-1400)
  • سابقه تدریس در مدرس ارشد آمادگی آزمون های بین المللی تافل و آیلتس (1384-1400)
  • سابقه کار دانشگاهی در مدرس ارشد موسسه کنکور 7 استاد (1382-1400)
  • سابقه کار دانشگاهی در مدرس ارشد موسسه آزاد کنکور بزرگمهر (1384-1388)


  • • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Critical and Creative Thinking in the ELT Classroom - British Council, London, United Kingdom (2021)
  • How to succeed at writing - The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England (2021)
  • Improve Speaking Skill - Macquarie University, Sydney, Austalia (2021)
  • • Promoting Creativity in Digital Learning - British Council, London, United Kingdom. (2021)
  • • Language Learning in Lockdown - British Council, London, United Kingdom. (2021)
  • Teaching Through the Covid-19 Pandemic - British Council, London, United Kingdom. (2020)
  • Teaching Live Lessons Online - British Council, London, United Kingdom. (2020)
  • • 1st National Conference on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching, Literature, and Translation . - Zand Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran (1400)
  • Communicative skills - Iran Language Institute (1395)
  • Referencing Based on: an Introduction to APA Ref Generate - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Shahrekord University, Imam Khomeini International University (1394)
  • Academic Misconduct: Types and Prevention Strategies - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Shahrekord University, Imam Khomeini International University (1394)
  • The role of Motivation in Learning - Iran Language Institute (1390)
  • How to Identify and Develop Emotional Intelligence - Iran Language Institute (1388)