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Investigation of pomological traits and oil content, fatty acid compositions and some of other effective material in almond for selecting the superior cultivars

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
Document National Code: R-1051398
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 338
Pages: 80
Publish Year: 1395

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Investigation of pomological traits and oil content, fatty acid compositions and some of other effective material in almond for selecting the superior cultivars abstract

In order to study the effectsofyear and Genotypeon quantity andbiochemicalcharacteristics in the kernel of somealmond cultivars/genotypes, this research had performed during the years2012and 2013 as thesplitplotina randomized complete blockdesignwith year in levels(2012 and 2013)genotypes/varietiesin22 levels ( Falsa, Ruby, Fragiluo, Nonpareil, Philip Ceo, Carmel, Supernova, Perlis, Ne Plus Ultra, Shahrood 13,Shahrood15, A230, D124, D99, 3-19, 6-5, 1-13, 13-40, 9-7, 8-39 and 14- 24) with threereplications.The obtained resultsshowed thatbothgenotypeand year factors had effects on the measured traits.The results ofsoluble and insoluble sugars, , sucrose, fructoseandglucoseshowed thatgenotypes Fragiluo, PerlisandD99, contained the highest amountsofsoluble sugars.Also the results of thestudiedshowedthatgenotype13-40fatty acids Falsa andthen Ne Plus Ultra andgenotype 9-7, respectively contained the highest amountsofsoluble sugars.The highestcontent ofalpha-tocopherolin Fragiluo vraity(337.67mg perkgdry matter) andFalsa(333.31mg perkgdry matter) andthe most delta-tocopherol contentin theshahrood15(81.334 mg perkg ofdry) was observed.The results showed thatgenotype1-13,Falsatypes, Ne Plus Ultra, Nanpareil, A230, Caramel, Shahrood15andD124,respectively,hadthe highestcontentofamino acids.The results of theshowed thatcations andanions in the Fragiluo varietyandgenotypes1-13and13- 40, had the highestcontentof cations (potassium, calciumandmagnesium) andtheRuby, Fragiluo, Philipsio, D99 and , Ne Plus Ultra, had the highestcontent ofanions(nitrate, phosphate, sulfateandchloride), respectively. Theoverallcharacteristicsin this studyduringthe2012and 2013 had intruduced theFragiluo varietiesandthen thevarietiesofFalsa, D99, Nonpariel, A230, Ne Plus Ultra andgenotypes1-13, 13- 40 as the best genotypes in Karaj.Keywords:alfa tocopherols, soluble and insoluble sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, macro and micro nutrients

Investigation of pomological traits and oil content, fatty acid compositions and some of other effective material in almond for selecting the superior cultivars authors