Preliminary Study For Determination Of Indices And Estimation Of Possible Rainfed Cultivation Area For Olives, Almonds , Grapes And Figs In Fars, Khuzestan And Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad
صاحب اثر: سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی
نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
Document National Code: R-1090614
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 368
Pages: 77
Publish Year: 1395
نسخه کامل Research منتشر نشده است و در دسترس نیست.
Preliminary Study For Determination Of Indices And Estimation Of Possible Rainfed Cultivation Area For Olives, Almonds , Grapes And Figs In Fars, Khuzestan And Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad abstract
Difficulties of access to adequate water for agricultural development projects have causedthe efficient use of water resources are becoming crucial. For this purposes the project was conducted to determination of indices and estimation of possible rain fed cultivation area for olives, almonds, grapes and figs in Fars, Khuzestan and Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad provinces. To conduct research in different areas of these three provinces,some gardens were selected and geographic, climatic characters of area and phenological characters of the products of those were recorded. Selection the number of gardens at the each area was in this case: at the areas until 500 ha cultivation, one garden were selected, 500-1000 ha, 2 areas; 1000-5000 ha, 3 areas, 5000-10000 ha, 4 areas and for mare the 10000 ha, 5 gardens were selected for evaluations. The data’s of each species were collected and arranged separately. The phenology data’s which recorded as dated converted to day after first of spring (flowering data’s) or days after the 22 august (for ripening data’s). Meteorological data’s also obtained from Meteorological organization and so analyses of regression were done between geographic and phenological data’s for each species and the most important indices which affected the cultivation in each area and then regression equation obtained for traits with highly coefficient of determinations and by use of these equations suitability of each area was determined on the digital elevation map (DEM) by Arc GIS software. Results showed that in the grape the regression equations between leafing time, start and the end of flowering, verison and ripening of berries with the elevation from seas were significant. For the almond start, full bloom and end of bloom and for the olive start and end of flowering, ripening for oil and yield were significant with the elevation at the probability level of one percent and all of these traits had highly coefficient of determination, but for the fig any equation were not significant. Elevation of different areas differed from 82 meters under sea levels at the Khuzestan province until 4296 meter above sea levels at the Mountainous region of Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad provinc. Low-lying areas due to the absence of winter frosts are suitable for olive and fig, Central areas of Fars province and Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad provinces were suitable for grape and highlands due to the late opening of the flowers were detected suitable for planting almond.Key word: Rainfed, Important indices, elevation, Regression
Preliminary Study For Determination Of Indices And Estimation Of Possible Rainfed Cultivation Area For Olives, Almonds , Grapes And Figs In Fars, Khuzestan And Kohgiluye Va Boyerahmad authors