ارزیابی تکمیلی در توده F1حاصل از تلاقی نارنگی کلمانتین (والد مادری) با برخی ارقام پرتقال (پدر) به منظور انتخاب و معرفی رقم
صاحب اثر: سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی
نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
Document National Code: R-1091044
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 473
Pages: 47
Publish Year: 1394
نسخه کامل Research منتشر نشده است و در دسترس نیست.
ارزیابی تکمیلی در توده F1حاصل از تلاقی نارنگی کلمانتین (والد مادری) با برخی ارقام پرتقال (پدر) به منظور انتخاب و معرفی رقم abstract
Clementine (Citrus clementina) is one of the recommended commercially cultivars in the northern regions of the country. But the small fruit size, a large number of seeds and their susceptible to frost damage and granulation can be considered disadvantages. For solving these defects and producing the better quality trees with fruits like Clementine, a project was implemented, in which the progeny of a cross between Clementine (as maternal parent) and Hamlin, Marrs and Salustiana (as paternal parents) were investigated. Seedling progeny of these crosses were grafted onto Poncirus trifoliata. In the preliminary assessment, some of the progenies were selected that had some desirable properties such as: early ripening, late ripening, low seed, large fruit size, thin skin, easily peel, high juice content and good flavor and aromatic. Sixty eight genotypes were selected from 396 hybrid seedlings. To determine the compatibility and complementary assessment of fruit quantitative and qualitative characteristics, each of the selected progeny were grafted onto sour orange (Citrus aurantium) rootstock and in two Citrus research stations (Khorramabad and Jahrom stations) were evaluated. In conducted evaluations in Khorramabad station, the results showed that genotypes of 76113 and 76104 have the potential to be used as a good cultivars. These genotypes were introduced as early commercially mandarin that their names are Khoram and Jahangir. The results of conducted tests in Jahrom station showed that the genotypes of 7608, 76014 and 76129 have the ability to introduce as new cultivars. Key words:Hybridization, Zigotic offspring, Cultivar, Citrus, Mandarin
ارزیابی تکمیلی در توده F1حاصل از تلاقی نارنگی کلمانتین (والد مادری) با برخی ارقام پرتقال (پدر) به منظور انتخاب و معرفی رقم authors