بررسی آزمایش جنگلکاری با درختان و درختچه های چند منظوره در نقاط مختلف ایران

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
Document ID: R-1095956
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 240
Pages: 103
Publish Year: 1387

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Forest Plantation Trial, Using Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs in Different Parts of Iran ABSTRACT Due to different economical and social factors, the influence of human being on forest and rangeland resources degradation is increasing. For this reason, using multipurpole trees and shrubs for forest rehabilitation, not only conserves soil and water and increases the local people income, but it encourages them to share in different programs for natural resources rehabilitation. The forest plantation will be made at rainfed condition or at low level of watering, using appropriate water catchment system. The research plan consists of two stages: 1- selection of different species varieties and provenances, seedling propagation, selection of superior varieties and provenances at nursery and estalibshment of varieties and provenances collection, and 2- Plantation trial of the superior varieties and provenances at field condition. Species selection depends on local economical and social circumstances and the people willing and interest. The seedlings selection and the forest plantation trial should be done under appropriate statistical design, based on number of treatments and site condition. The best genotypes of almond species (Pruns dulcis (Mill) D. A. Webb.) for plantatjen_ at rainfed condition. of semi -arid and. semi-'humid parts of tR. "Iran, using" water catchment systems, are as follows: Lowlan and gandab of Kermanshah province, 8003, 8004, 8007, 8010, 8014 and 8020 of Khorasane Razavi province, 3 and 6 of lanjan province, I and 8 of Markazi province and 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6 and 7 of Kurdistan province. The best genotypes of Persian walnut species (Juglans regia L.) for plantation at rainfed condition of semi humid parts of I.R. Iran, t,1Sing water catchment systems and plant material mulch, are as follows: J-2, J-I0, J-17, J-18 and J-19 of Kurdistan province, 2, 3 and 4 of Markazi province and Chahar dehe Daghan, Rameh Gannsar and Larde Khatikoohe Semnan of Semnan province. The best varieties of olive (Olea europaea 1.) species for plantation at rainfed condition of semi arid and semi humid parts ofI.R. Iran, using water catchment systems, are as follows: Roughani and lard of lIam province, Zard, Roughani Roodbar and Shengeh of Lorestan province, Roughani Mahali Roodbari, Sabz Zeitoon, Sevilana, Lichio, Lemeski and Mary of Boushehr province and Fishemi, Ablanko, Dezfuli, Roughani, lard and Look of Yazd province. The best varieties of jujube (2. mauritiana) and grape (Vilis sylvestris) species for plantation at rainfed condition of semi arid and semi humid parts of I.R. Iran, using water catchment systems, are as follows: Jujube: Oaneh Rize Birjand and Vahshie Golestan ofYazd province Grape: Zoodrase Khalili ofYazd provine ./ Keywords: Almond, jujube, olive, walnut, rainfed, water catchment system I