Epigenetics and the developmental origins of health and disease in the process of non-communicable diseases

Publish Year: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 418

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 آذر 1399


We present a comprehensive review on developmental origins of health and disease about different factors related to the origins of non-communicable diseases (NCD) from early life. The impacts of various factors including epigenetics; gene-environment interaction; ethnic predisposition to NCDs and their underlying risk factors; prenatal factors; fetal programming; maternal weight status and weight gain during pregnancy; type of feeding during infancy; growth pattern during childhood; obesity; stunting; socioeconomic status; dietary and physical activity habits; active, secondhand, and thirdhand smoking, as well as environmental factors including air pollution and global climate change on the development and progress of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors. Growing body of evidence exists about Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). Maternal and paternal environmental factors, as well as the gene-environmental interactions act by different mechanisms by which the environment would model the epigenome: receptor signalling, energy metabolism and signal mechanotransduction from extracellular matrix to chromatin. The implication of epigenetics in DOHaD is well documented. The importance of early identification of predisposing factors for primordial and primary prevention of NCDs from early life should be highlighted.


Roya Kelishadi

Department of Pediatrics, Child Growth and Development Research Center, Research Institute for Primordial Prevention of Non-Communicable Disease, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Parnian Poursafa

Department of Biology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran