Comparison of anxiety thoughts and life orientation within medical staff and non-medical individuals in dealing with covid-۱۹ disease

Publish Year: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 تیر 1401


Nowadays covid-۱۹ has put all the world in emergency situation in the terms of sanitary and health matters and still is the most worrying worldwide death cause. Lack of proper information and definite cure for this disease and the fear of getting infected endangered individual's physical and mental health and caused conflict with anxious thoughts. The aim if this study is to compare this anxious thoughts and life orientation between medical staff and non-medical individuals in the face of covid-۱۹. The style of this study that we applied is descriptive and also used causal-comparative method. The research samples include ۵۰ medical staff and ۵۰ non-medical individuals of Javanrood city (Iran) that their selection was based on available sampling. For analyzing the data we used multivariate variance analysis and one-way variance analysis. The result of this study showed that there is significant difference between two groups in terms of anxious thoughts and life orientation variables. Also, the results showed that the medical staff group has more significant anxiety for health and pessimism compared to the non-medical samples. We can conclude that the most of psychological problems emerged from this disease in some extent are effected from these investigated variables. So with regard to this factors in etiology and medical can help to reduce psychological problems and to increase mental health of involved individuals.


Sonia Zareei

general psychology graduated, Urmia University , Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran

Firouzeh Sepehrianazar

Professor , literature and human sciences faculty, Urmia University , Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran

Saman Shamsizadeh

medical graguated , medical faculty, Shahid beheshti University of tehran ,Tehran , Iran