In Memoriam Professor Dr. Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz M.D., Ph.D. (۱۹۶۶ - ۲۰۲۰)

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: English
View: 135

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 مرداد 1401


Dr. Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz, Professor of the MedicalGenetics Department, School of Medicine, Tehran Universityof Medical Sciences, without doubt, will forever live inmindsasoneof the unforgettable professors of Medical Geneticsand this university. The grievous news of losing Dr.Tavakkoly in the first week of the firstmonthof fall ۲۰۲۰ resultedin deep mourning and sorrow among students, colleagues,and all those who knew him from up close.He only had ۵۳ years to live, but he dedicated majorityof his life to learning, teaching and helping human beingsand in his short life, he became the source of many valuableservices.According to his C.V., he was born on ۲۱.۰۹.۱۹۶۶ in thegreen and beautiful city of Amol on edge of the CaspianSea, and after completing his primary and secondary education,he headed to Mashhad University of Medical Sciencesto begin his medical education career. Due to hisinterest in the science of Genetics, after completing hismedical studies, he pursued his Ph.D. at the University ofManchester in the United Kingdom and after its completion,he returned to his country. He became a faculty memberat Tehran University of Medical Sciences and alonghis teaching and research duties, he was responsible forvarious administrative duties such as Research Deputy ofthe Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center and subsequently,Deputy for Students and Cultural affairs at theSchool of Medicine. In the years in which he managedmany heavy responsibilities, he consistently was recognizedas a responsible and dedicated individual. As a universityteacher, he was always available and alongside students.From students’ point of view, he was recognized as aloving and caring professor. In works of charity, he was alwaysa pioneer, and many individuals in need enjoyed hishelp with an open face from his own personal resources.Forgiveness and generosity were Dr. Tavakkoly’s obvioustraits.


Dr. Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz , Obituary


Pantea Izadi

Medical Genetics Department, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran

Mina Tabrizi

Medical Genetics Department, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran