Adolescents and Young adults’ women preferences Regarding Waterpipetobacco smoking prevention educational interventions: A Qualitative Studyin Iran abstract
Background: Waterpipe tobacco smoking (WTS) is addictive and hazardous for health, but it hasbecome popular, especially in adolescents and young adults women. WTS prevention educationalinterventions, particularly those tailored to the target audience’s needs and preferences can costeffectivelychange people’s attitudes and behaviors towards better health decision-making.However, there is limited research on how to best tailor WTS prevention educational interventionsfor adolescents and young adult’s women. This study examines adolescents and young adults’women preferences Regarding WTS prevention educational interventions.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted 2019 in Isfahan and Hamadan cities, Iran; itincluded 13–30-year-old females with experience of WTS. For data collection, in-depth semistructuredpersonal interviews were conducted. Participants were selected with maximum variationfrom different educational levels, employment status, ethnic groups, and geographic areas in Iran.Concurrent with data collection, data were analyzed through conventional content analysis.Results: conventional content analysis revealed that adolescents and young adults’ women preferWTS prevention educational interventions that rely on (1) Consequences and negative effectsrelated to hookah use, (2) Providing statistics on the incidence of diseases and deaths caused byWTS to increase awareness of the severity of complications, (3) Information related to the sideeffects of WTS tailored to women' gender, (4) information and messages, tailored to thecharacteristics and needs of each person, (5) strengthening life skills, and (6) suggestions aboutalternative activities.Conclusions: adolescents and young adults’ women agreed that the content of WTS preventioneducational interventions need to be revised to suit the current generation to ensure sustainability.Insights of the study can inform WTS prevention educational interventions design anddevelopment.