Investigating the effects of High-Tech Digital Industries in dealing with epidemics: a case study of Covid-۱۹

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 95

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مرداد 1402


Health digital industries is also a broad concept that includes all aspects of digital industries, butin the field of health and medicine. In general, the goal of digital health industries is to developinterconnected systems for the use of computing hardware and software technologies, smart devices,computational analysis techniques, as well as communication media in order to improve theprovision of medical and health services, especially in times of crisis. This article focuses on theimpact of high-tech technologies such as ۵G, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, theInternet of Things, big data analysis, cloud computing, robotics and other digital platforms, on thecontrol of epidemics, especially Covid. ۱۹ is concentrated. Currently, the healthcare industry isimplementing technologies to improve healthcare services, medical research, quality of life, andthe experiences of medical professionals and patients everywhere, anytime. Based on the findingsof this study, technology can facilitate faster progress in medical research and better managementof clinical and social services. Additionally, high-tech health industry approaches may be able tocombat the challenges of the COVID-۱۹ pandemic with minimal resources. . It is also focused onthe key challenges of the field of digital health industries. In addition, the study highlights the outlook,policy recommendations and future research directions of the digital health industry in dealingwith future pandemics. More research will be included in future projects, including studieson how to develop a digital society based on ۵G and IoT technology in healthcare emergencies.


Vala Saleh

University of Applied Science and Technology, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Zahedan, Iran