Eclectics of Saadi in the Works of I. Bunin and K. Paustovsky

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The article deals with the problem of eclecticism in the works of I. Bunin and K. Paustovsky. As a result of the analysis of the works of Russian writers, it was concluded that the eclecticism of Bunin and Paustovsky is closely related to the ideas of the Persian poet Saadi about man as a complex creature with an original “pure nature” and “engravings” imprinted on it in the process of life - traces of the knowledge of cultures, civilizations, religions, travel. This idea attracted the attention of young writers Bunin and Paustovsky and became one of the fundamental in their work throughout their lives. An analysis of works of art, memoirs, and letters of Bunin and Paustovsky in the light of the eclectic method of their creativity allows us to conclude that the goals of using this method were different for the writers. The results of a comparative analysis of the key ideas and images of Saadi in the works of Bunin and Paustovsky as a creative interpretation of the eclectic principle of the Persian poet are presented. The significance of eclecticism in the construction of the poetic world of Bunin and Paustovsky is revealed.Extended abstract:The article deals with the problem of eclecticism in the works of I. Bunin and K. Paustovsky.In this regard, the author investigates the poetic and prose works of Russian writers, created on the basis of an eclectic principle and proving that the humanistic collection of the experience of the cultures of different peoples by Saadi of Shiraz had a fruitful effect on the work of Bunin and Paustovsky. An analysis of works of art, memoirs, and letters of Bunin and Paustovsky in the light of the eclectic method of their creativity allows us to conclude that the goals of using this method were different for the writers. In this regard, the article raises the question of the peculiarities of Bunin and Paustovsky's perception of Saadi's eclecticism and the originality of this principle in their work.The hypothesis is put forward that the eclectic principle of Saadi influenced in general the worldview and aesthetic foundations of the work of Bunin and Paustovsky. Eclecticism as a principle of gathering, uniting different people, cultures, was opposed by Russian writers to the tendency of separation, hatred of some people for others, anarchy, chaos, destruction. Humanist writers were united by the rejection of any attempts to impose modernist Nietzschean values ​​on them with the domination of the superman, the “cult of the body,” hatred of the common man.The theoretical and methodological basis of the article was made up of classical and modern works on the work of writers, materials of scientific conferences dedicated to the ۱۵۰th anniversary of Bunin and the ۱۲۵th anniversary of Paustovsky. The article uses an integrated approach based on the inclusion of the author's works in the context of world culture and art, a descriptive and comparative method. The results of a comparative analysis of the key ideas and images of Saadi in the works of Bunin and Paustovsky as a creative interpretation of the eclectic principle of the Persian poet are presented.As a result of the analysis of the works of Russian writers, it was concluded that the eclecticism of Bunin and Paustovsky is closely related to the ideas of the Persian poet Saadi about a person as a complex creature with an original "pure nature" and knowledge of cultures, civilizations, religions obtained as a result of life travels. This idea attracted the attention of young writers Bunin and Paustovsky and became one of the fundamental in their work throughout their lives. The difference between the artistic embodiments of eclecticism among writers is that Bunin perceived the universe, cultural landscapes, peoples, people as a spectator, considering cultural artifacts. Paustovsky K.G. used the eclectic method to create the broadest anthropocentric artistic canvas of human life.The article deals with the problem of eclecticism in the works of I. Bunin and K. Paustovsky. As a result of the analysis of the works of Russian writers, it was concluded that the eclecticism of Bunin and Paustovsky is closely related to the ideas of the Persian poet Saadi about man as a complex creature with an original “pure nature” and “engravings” imprinted on it in the process of life - traces of the knowledge of cultures, civilizations, religions, travel. This idea attracted the attention of young writers Bunin and Paustovsky and became one of the fundamental in their work throughout their lives. An analysis of works of art, memoirs, and letters of Bunin and Paustovsky in the light of the eclectic method of their creativity allows us to conclude that the goals of using this method were different for the writers. The results of a comparative analysis of the key ideas and images of Saadi in the works of Bunin and Paustovsky as a creative interpretation of the eclectic principle of the Persian poet are presented. The significance of eclecticism in the construction of the poetic world of Bunin and Paustovsky is revealed. Extended abstract: The article deals with the problem of eclecticism in the works of I. Bunin and K. Paustovsky. In this regard, the author investigates the poetic and prose works of Russian writers, created on the basis of an eclectic principle and proving that the humanistic collection of the experience of the cultures of different peoples by Saadi of Shiraz had a fruitful effect on the work of Bunin and Paustovsky. An analysis of works of art, memoirs, and letters of Bunin and Paustovsky in the light of the eclectic method of their creativity allows us to conclude that the goals of using this method were different for the writers. In this regard, the article raises the question of the peculiarities of Bunin and Paustovsky's perception of Saadi's eclecticism and the originality of this principle in their work. The hypothesis is put forward that the eclectic principle of Saadi influenced in general the worldview and aesthetic foundations of the work of Bunin and Paustovsky. Eclecticism as a principle of gathering, uniting different people, cultures, was opposed by Russian writers to the tendency of separation, hatred of some people for others, anarchy, chaos, destruction. Humanist writers were united by the rejection of any attempts to impose modernist Nietzschean values ​​on them with the domination of the superman, the “cult of the body,” hatred of the common man. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article was made up of classical and modern works on the work of writers, materials of scientific conferences dedicated to the ۱۵۰th anniversary of Bunin and the ۱۲۵th anniversary of Paustovsky. The article uses an integrated approach based on the inclusion of the author's works in the context of world culture and art, a descriptive and comparative method. The results of a comparative analysis of the key ideas and images of Saadi in the works of Bunin and Paustovsky as a creative interpretation of the eclectic principle of the Persian poet are presented. As a result of the analysis of the works of Russian writers, it was concluded that the eclecticism of Bunin and Paustovsky is closely related to the ideas of the Persian poet Saadi about a person as a complex creature with an original "pure nature" and knowledge of cultures, civilizations, religions obtained as a result of life travels. This idea attracted the attention of young writers Bunin and Paustovsky and became one of the fundamental in their work throughout their lives. The difference between the artistic embodiments of eclecticism among writers is that Bunin perceived the universe, cultural landscapes, peoples, people as a spectator, considering cultural artifacts. Paustovsky K.G. used the eclectic method to create the broadest anthropocentric artistic canvas of human life.


Safiulina Rano Mirsachanovna

Associate Professor of Russian Language and Literature, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», Moscow, Russia.

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